July 18


What a car headlights taught me about the gospel

By Servant

July 18, 2020

In Matthew 5:16 Christ reminds us to be the light of the world.

I was driving to church during a raining Sunday morning and the drivers heading in the opposite direction did not have their headlights on. I was saying to myself, this is dangerous because it is harder for people to see the oncoming traffic.

So do us as believers, we become dangerous when we don’t let our light shine. In fact, our Lord told the church at Laodicea he would prefer if we were cold or hot, but not lukewarm.

If we do these, others will see the saving power of God in our lives

Why, when we are cold, others know where we stand, likewise when we are hot. However, when we are lukewarm, we confuse others, because they can’t tell if we are in the church or in the world.

As such, in the lukewarm state we make our Lord and savior sick and he will spew us out of his mouth, Revelation 3:16.

So how do we let our light shine? By not rendering evil for evil, for vengeance is mine saith the Lord. By remembering that a soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.
We have the ability to de-escalate a situation rather than let it turn into a shouting match.

If we do these, others will see the saving power of God in our lives through Christ Jesus and will want to follow him as well. This is what it means to let your light shine and this is what I call living the Higher life.

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